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Request: Allow for more than 255 characters in a signature

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 1:32 am
by Im Coming Home

I am here to request a bumping of the limit on the amount of characters in a signature. Over on the Knicks RGM forum, we have something called Build a Franchise as you guys may know. A lot of guys like to make their signatures look really cool by showing off their rosters with stylized signature(like the one I have myself) the problem is that the 255 character limit really limits out ability to stylize the text once we add a full roster to our sigs. I was hoping for some work around so that maybe text formatting didn't count against the character limit and only what actually displays count(ie; player names, plain text, basically what shows up in the sig as actual text after the formatting/stylizing) towards this 255 limit, or just upping the limit in general.

Is this possible? Seems like it could either be deeply embedded into the site's code, or something that could easily be upped, not sure.

Thank you,

Re: Request: Allow for more than 255 characters in a signature

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 3:40 pm
by Indeed
255 + terminator (256) characters is a special size on database that allows for indexing for searching. This is more a database design question than changing the size of a column / field.

Re: Request: Allow for more than 255 characters in a signature

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 7:57 am
by disoblige
Change varchar to text. However, i think most people dont want to see +255 sig. So much junk to most people.