According to a report in today's The Oregonian there is a chance that disgruntled forward Shareef Abdur-Rahim may be packing his bags, destination Minnesota.

The article by Geoffrey Arnold has the Blazers exploring a scenario where Abdur-Rahim is shipped out for Minnesota sharp shooter Wally Szczerbiak.  Since there is a $5.6m differential between the contracts of the two the trade cannot be one for one, with Minnesota needing to add additional players for the deal to be accepted.

One scenario discussed had Trenton Hassell involved, but Hassell signed an offer sheet with the Blazers which the Timberwolves matched Wednesday, making him untradeable at this point.

Other options include big men Michael Olowonkandi and Ervin Johnson, the latter of whom enters the final year of his contract making him a valuable commodity in terms of cap relief.

"If I can make a deal that's in the best interest of the team, I'm looking to do something with any player," Nash said Tuesday. "But I haven't had anything that I think would help our team."