Jermaine O'Neal's right shoulder remains a mystery, but the Pacers essentially removed any hope Tuesday of their best player returning this season.

"We have to go on the idea that he's not going to be here," coach Rick Carlisle said. "That's how we have to approach it. We can't be hanging our hopes on his return. It's going to be awhile if he comes back at all."

O'Neal suffered the injury March 3. O'Neal has seen several doctors, including ones in Portland, Ore., and Los Angeles, to get opinions. The Pacers are waiting to re-evaluate his shoulder once the swelling goes down. There hasn't been a decision on surgery, but if it is required O'Neal will be sidelined for several months.

"The doctors are waiting to see if that's the right way to go or not," Carlisle said.

"I think everybody has blocked it out," forward Stephen Jackson said. "If he comes back, he comes back."