While the Miami Heat will be playing for an NBA title in 05-06, the Boston Celtics are currently in line for an NCAA championship.

After this latest deal by Danny Ainge, there is not a single player on the Celtics roster in his 30?s. The ?crafty veterans? have only been around since the 98-99 season in the forms of Raef LaFrentz and Paul Pierce. With 16 players now under contract for 05-06, it seems that at least one more move is necessary. Several things could happen, including cutting Raef LaFrentz.

The Boston Celtics were given an early Christmas present when the new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) implemented the ?Allen Houston? rule. The rule, also referred to as the ?amnesty clause? is a one-time exception that allows every team in the league to release one player. They have until Aug. 15 to do so, to avoid paying any further luxury tax on the player's contract.