Rockets' guard Tracy McGrady will return to practice today and hopes to play Saturday against the Spurs. But he said he expects to have to work his way back into shape.

"I'm cleared to practice, but I still don't know how everything is going to be after I practice or even during practice," McGrady said. "I'm hoping for us to get up and down to see if I'm able to do the cuts and do normal things on a basketball court that I do."

"If I'm physically OK, I'll definitely be excited being back on the basketball court competing with my teammates. There's a couple days I have to practice and hopefully get some running in. I haven't played in a month. It's not like I'm going to go out and be Superman and put up incredible numbers and have a phenomenal game."

"I don't want to go out there and hurt my team, because we were playing extremely well since I've been out. I'm going to be real cautious about this."