Shaquille O'Neal wouldn't rule out a return to the Lakers when his current contract is up to backup Andrew Bynum and says that he and Kobe Bryant always got along really well on the court.

"I don't want to answer that now because it would be unfair to Mr. (Steve) Kerr (the Suns' president)," said O'Neal when asked if he can see himself back in Los Angeles.  "I don't want to answer that. But who knows. I don't like to think that far ahead, but anything could happen."

"It's just that I'd say stuff, he'd say stuff," said O'Neal.  "I think it was all designed by Phil (Jackson). Because if you think about it, Phil never called us into the office and said, ''Both of you all, shut the (heck) up.'' Never did that in four years. He knew that when I read something, I was going to get upset. And he knew Kobe was going to always come out and play hard. So I think it was all done by design."