Guard Jordan Farmar is confused as to what head coach Phil Jackson wants him to do, the L.A. Times are reporting.

After getting yanked against the Knicks and playing just nine minutes, Farmar met with Jackson to discuss what he should be doing.

"He didn't call me up there, I asked to talk to him -- to vent," Farmar said. "Just trying to get some things across."

It was as if Farmar popped into the "principal's office," Jackson said. "I felt he was frustrated."

"I asked them what they wanted me to do so I can go out there and do it and not be confused about my job," Farmar said. "They're not looking for me to do anything personal -- just run our offense. It affects my performance and what I do.

"I'm a guard coming off the bench playing limited minutes so I got to make those minutes count and do what the coaching staff and the organization wants."

Jackson is not trying to stifle Farmar's creativity, but he wants the 22-year-old to be a better decision-maker.

"I think there are some things about playing his game kind of thing and conforming to our style," Jackson said.