While the Bulls are willing to deal Larry Hughes, Hughes himself would want to be somewhere else too, the Chicago Tribune is reporting.

Hughes has been upset with his playing time and lack of opportunities all season, having gone public twice.

"If you get traded, obviously another team wants you, so it's always a positive in that way," Hughes said. "I definitely want to play minutes and contribute. That's a focus of mine. Hopefully, I'll get the opportunity to do that in the near future."

Chicago have made it clear they won't take extra years or salary to move his contract, and they conveyed that to Jeff Wechsler, Hughes' longtime representative, in a cordial face-to-face meeting this week.

Hughes' contract expires after the 2009-10 season. It has the prorated portion of $12.8 million on it for the remainder of this season and the full $13.65 million for next.

"We know that the trade deadline is coming around, so obviously everybody has to keep an eye on that," said Hughes, adding that as long as he wears a Bull uniform he will "play hard and hopefully try to get wins."