While Danny Granger should return to the court soon, the news was not so good for Pacer forward Mike Dunleavy.

According to Conrad Brunner on pacers.com, the Indiana Pacers will be without Dunleavy for the rest of the season because of knee problems.  Dunleavy is also looking into surgical options to help fix the problem.

"He's not going to play for us the rest of the year," O'Brien said. "You can take that to the bank."

Dunleavy has met with a variety of doctors about surgical options for what he described as "a giant bone spur" in his right knee. He said he's been dealing with pain in the knee "for 10 years."

"It's not a matter of knowing what it is," Dunleavy said. "It's a matter of knowing how to fix it."

Meanwhile, according to Brunner, Granger is aiming to play during this week's three-game road trip.