Bryan Colangelo improved the Raptors through a series of trades this summer, but it didn't come as an explicit directive from Chris Bosh.

?I never had any thoughts like that [of demanding improvement]," said Bosh. ?I just trust people who do that stuff are going to do their job, and Bryan doesn?t want to lose, he?s very competitive himself, he?s going to make the right move.

?Everybody knows what the deal is. We have some players here and we can put that stuff behind us and start winning games."

There has been talk that Bosh might sign elsewhere next summer and Bosh is already tired of the constant speculation.

?I stopped talking about it this summer," he said. ?I?m happy that the season is here so we can talk about something else.

?I?ll ask you the same thing: ?What are you going to do next summer?? I can?t predict the future or anything, but I?m happy right now. Happy where I?m at, and I?m looking forward to building with this team."