Hawks center Al Horford claims that Celtics captain Paul Pierce owes him $10,000 from a playoff bet.

During an interview with Atlanta's 790 The Zone, Horford said that Pierce bet him $10,000 that the Celtics would sweep the Hawks during the 2008 playoffs.

"I haven't talked to him [since the series], but I know he owes me money," Horford said. "Marvin [Williams] was a witness. We were at the free throw line and he was telling me that they were going to sweep us and all this and, you know, we bet and I never got anything."

It took Boston seven games to eliminate Atlanta en route to the 2008 NBA title.

"I'm not mad at him at all," Horford added. "You know, I mean, he's a competitor like you said and, you know, he wants to win. He's a good player, so, I mean, it's fine for him to talk. He's a vet."