Spurs point guard Tony Parker is suffering from plantar fasciitis in his left foot.

Parker's numbers are down this season and he revealed why on Tuesday night when asked why he has had occasional issues on drives to the basket this season.

"I'm a little bit slower, that's why," he said. "I don't think it's much different. It's just my plantar fasciitis is killing me."

The injury is particularly troublesome to Parker because he tends to jump off his left foot.

"(It's) the left one, that I plant and everything," he said.

He has been wearing a special sock and told reporters that he plans to play through the injury for as long as possible.

"I have to wear my sock, do treatment every day: cold tub, ultrasound, same old, same old," Parker said. "Just like TD (Duncan) in 2006. He had it the whole season. I asked TD what I have to do. He said the sock is great."