Avery Johnson says that he hasn't heard from the Bulls regarding their head coaching vacancy.

Johnson spoke with Chicago's John Paxson about the team's coaching job back in 2008, but Vinny Del Negro eventually got the job.

"They evaluate their situation as far as who is the best fit. I don't think it's a knock on any potential coach that is available if he's not the right fit," Johnson said Thursday on "The Waddle & Silvy Show" on ESPN 1000.

"My track record speaks for itself. It's well-documented what we did in Dallas. Two years ago when there was a vacancy I had a quick conversation with Paxson on the phone, but I wasn't really, really interested in coaching at the time. I had just gotten let go by the Mavericks.

"As we move forward I'm talking to other teams about their situations. Hopefully I'll be the right fit for another team whether it's this year or next year."