RealGM poster Stoposhere2 transcribed the following interview from Andrew Bogut, as he talks about his serious elbow injury.

"It's getting there, frustrating," said Bogut. "Just in Europe, doing physio twice a day. Doing physio every day since being back and you don't see immediate results, with my elbow at least. It's frustrating.

"I'm optimistic that I should be ready for the season but you never know with these things because of the nerve damage and so on, it's on its own course.

"[It's my decision] I'm one of those guys who will play through injury but if I'm not 100% for the season to start, there is no sense going into an NBA season at 85% 'cause we're playing up to May.

"I'm still not even shooting the basketball. I shot the ball a little bit in Europe and got a bunch of fluid down in my elbow so I had to stop shooting. So at the moment I'm just lifting weights and conditioning so we'll see what happens."