Bulls forward Carlos Boozer says he is sticking to the original time-table to return from his broken right hand.

"I'm getting the doctor's advice," Boozer said Friday. "He wants me to wait until the eight-week mark [before practicing with contact], and I'm trying to listen to him and at the same time listen to my body. I'm trying to wait until the eight-week mark to have full-contact practice, but I'm starting to get a little anxious."

Boozer did admit that his hand is still sore.

"It's still sore, it's not 100 percent, it's not ready yet, but it's getting better every day, and it's progressing in the right direction," he said. "As long as it keeps getting better, I'll be happy."

Eight weeks from his Oct. 5 surgery is Nov. 30, the day before Chicago plays Orlando.