Rumors persist that the Suns could eventually trade Steve Nash, but Paul Coro of the Arizona Republic writes that any rumors are pure speculation.

Suns president Lon Babby's repeated response is that Nash is "the sun, the moon and the stars" of the franchise.

"He (Babby) told me a month ago when it first sprung up that he had no plans to move me," Nash said.

Nash signed an extension in 2009 that runs through next season and he has no plans to ask for a trade.

"I signed up for this," Nash said. "I'm committed to trying to build a team here. Obviously, last year was a phenomenal year. Tied 2-2 (in the conference finals), I thought we could win a championship. I genuinely believed we could and would win it. It's tough to be in this position six months later. I'm still committed to it. I love the guys. I think we've got potential but we've had so much change and haven't been able to put it together. If we want to point fingers, we've got to point some at ourselves and say, 'We haven't put it together.'

"I'm still happy. I just want to try to win games for these fans and our team because that's the most frustrating thing."