Mikhail Prokhorov, owner of the Nets, announced at a Wednesday press conference that his team is ending negotiations on a trade to acquire Carmelo Anthony.

"It's been too long and too expensive," he said about the chase for Anthony.

When asked if this was his final decision, he responded, "For sure."

"It's my own decision," Prokhorov said. "(The Nuggets) had a very good proposal. They probably did their best to protect their interests."

"I never met with Carmelo and I never spoke with him. Maybe he sent me an e-mail, but i didn't see it. Or maybe the carrier pigeon got lost," the owner said.

"I never received any negative information," he said. "But there was no direct information. It's my feeling of strategy."

When asked if he had informed the Nuggets of this decision first, Prokhorov said, "No. You're the first to know."