The Los Angeles Lakers continue to be adamant in their position of being uninterested in trading Dwight Howard, believing he will re-sign in the offseason.

Mitch Kupchak has been consistent privately when teams have called about Howard as he has been in public.

"They're too arrogant to move him now, even if Dwight asked for it," one rival GM said. "They're the Lakers, and they'll dare you to walk away in July. And if I was them, I would, too."

Kobe Bryant has grown at least publicly indifferent about the situation.

"I don't know what they're going to do," Bryant said Sunday. "At this point, it doesn't matter."

Sources say that Howard now believes winning must be his top priority in making a free agent decision. Howard will consider the path for the Lakers to compete and his decision will be based on best odds of winning more than marketing and geography.