Kevin Durant said he was going to be more aggressive in his shooting to counteract what he deemed a "gimmick" defense by the Los Angeles Clippers.

"They're playing a gimmick defense which has been working. Top-locking everything on the perimeter, so guys are not even looking at the 3-point line, they're just forcing guys inside the 3-point line. So for us, when I get the ball in my spots, I got a pest, Patrick Beverley, who is up underneath me -- who I can definitely shoot over the top and score every time if it's a one-on-one situation," said Durant.

Durant added that he wasn't going to let Patrick Beverly in his head despite the battle leading to both players getting ejected in game 1.

"I'm not gonna get in the way of the game because I wanna have a little back-and-forth with Patrick Beverley. I'm Kevin Durant. You know who I am. Y'all know who I am."