An eyewitness claims Alameda County sheriff Sgt. Ray Kelly is lying about what happened in an incident involving Masai Ujiri.

Kelly claimed Ujiri tried to push past a deputy who then asked for a credential needed to enter the court. Kelly says the deputy pushed back and the executive pushed again and “struck our deputy in the face.”

Season ticket holder Greg Wiener was standing next to the officer and said the police are not telling the truth. Wiener said Ujiri never struck the officer in the face.

“The thing about the cops saying the policeman asked for his credentials, that didn't happen. There was no conversation at all," Wiener said. "This part about striking him in the face, yeah that didn't happen."

Wiener felt compelled to come forward after the sheriff's account was published in the press.

"I read it saying 'Wait the cops are not telling the truth.' This looks like somebody trying to embellish what happened to protect what they did, what the policeman did."

Bruce Arthur also reported that the same officer possibly had a confrontation with a broadcaster.