Two conference calls with as many as 50 NBA players and an antitrust attorney were held on Tuesday and Thursday discussing the decertification of the union, according to sources. Several of the NBA's most prominent agents were proponents of the call, said sources.

The calls, which took place without the knowledge of NBPA officials, included several All-Stars.

“We’re beyond frustrated with the concessions that have already been made,” one source on the calls told Yahoo! Sports. “If the union gives in on the [basketball-related income] split and the open system issues don’t go to the players side, decertification may be the next step.”

If the NBPA drops below 52% of BRI and the system issues favor the players, the movement to decertify will go forward.

While the call seems to undermine Derek Fisher and Billy Hunter, the intent was more to create a viable threat to the owners.

The very threat of decertification is a strategy in and of itself, as it creates the potential for uncertainty and potential chaos for the owners.

“This is not about Hunter and Fisher,” a source on the calls said. “The players want to know how to push the needle here. If talks this weekend, don’t produce 52 percent, they want to know what options they have.”