Given my normally peaceful nature, and the fact that Christmas is right around the corner, generally I wouldn't want to kick a man when he is down.

But I think we'd all admit that this has been a rather un-ordinary year, so I am lacing up my stomping boots and cocking back my leg.

Denver Nuggets coach Dan Issel should be fired.

Earlier this week, Issel was walking to the locker room after the Nuggets had lost to the Charlotte Hornets when he was verbally harassed by a fan just above the tunnel.

Issel looked up and told the fan, "Go buy another beer. Go drink another beer, you (expletive) Mexican piece of (expletive)."

It was all captured on tape by a television camera. Issel was then suspended by the Nuggets for four games and docked $112,000 in pay.

I say he should be fired.

But not for what he said. That, I think, is a knee-jerk reaction to something said in the heat of the moment. And by all accounts from people close to Issel in Denver, he is not a racist.

I think he should be fired because he stinks at what he does, and this is just a culmination of that putrefaction.