After Thursday's practice, Rasheed Wallace sought out ESPN's Chris Sheridan due to an article that appeared on his website that morning.

Detailing Wednesday's game, Sheridan wrote: "Before we get to a dissection of (Chris) Webber's game we're going to change the subject to what appears to be a growing note of discord and disharmony -- aw, heck, let's just call it hate -- between Rasheed Wallace and coach Flip Saunders.

"At one point late in the third quarter (Wednesday) during a timeout, nearly everyone on the Pistons' bench turned and stared at Sheed as he prematurely broke from the huddle and walked to the scorers' table to await the resumption of play.

"Now Wallace has been doing this for years, but on this occasion, judging from the looks on the Pistons' faces, there was more to it. Webber even walked over and said something to Wallace, who replied with a shake of the head and the type of disgusted look you get from someone who doesn't want to be told to calm down or to make peace."

Wallace shouted expletives at Sheridan while the reporter suggested he calm down and that they speak about the matter privately.

"I don't think he hates me, and that is a pretty strong statement," said a visibly uncomfortable Saunders, who did not elaborate on the matter.