Former Dallas Cowboys cheerleader and current scout for the Lakers, Bonnie-Jill Laflin posed nude in a new PETA ad designed to help people avoid bankrupting their health.

Lying nude on top of a desk in front of two panicky Wall Street traders, Laflin urges them to "bank on your health: Go vegetarian!"

The ad, which is slated to debut next week in New York City's financial district, goes on to advise, "From heart disease to impotence, from obesity to diabetes, eating meat could bankrupt your body. Whatever else you may lose, save your health."

Adds Laflin, who now is the only female NBA scout, "These are uncertain times, to say the least, but one thing that everyone can be sure of is that by kicking the meat habit and going vegetarian, they're doing the best thing that they can for their health--and for animals and the environment."