Andrew Bynum has started using a stationary bike, riding an elliptical machine and doing squats with his lower legs.

He hasn't started running yet, but he is much more optimistic about returning this season in the wake of last year's season-ending knee injury.

"It feels fine, very little pain," Bynum said Thursday. "The swelling's all the way down. I'm optimistic. I just hope it keeps going the way it's going now."

The Lakers are 12-1 since Bynum went down on Jan. 31.

While he is showing progress, Bynum isn't sure of when he'll be able to return.

"I have no idea," he said. "Right now, all I know is it feels good to me and I think I'll be able to at least come back and contribute.

"It's cool because when I come back in, they'll all be jelling together and I'll just have to work my way back."