Kareem Abdul-Jabbar would like to coach in the NBA.

"I know that I have knowledge about the game that I can convey. The knowledge I have will help other players play well," Abdul-Jabbar told the Korea Times.

He has worked as a special assistant with the Lakers, but hasn't even been given a chance to be a true assistant in the league.

"Certain things have to fall into place. The stars have to align, more or less, but I feel that I've done a very good job with my assignment and somebody might feel that I deserve another opportunity," the Hall of Fame center added.

Abdul-Jabbar admitted that he hasn't had any discussions with the Lakers about possibly replacing coach Phil Jackson when he eventually retires.

"They made it very clear what they wanted from me, and I delivered that. I think they are happy with that. But as far as me moving up the ladder, we haven't had any discussions," he concluded.