LaMarcus Aldridge displayed displeasure with the status of his unresolved extension negotiations with the Blazers.

"I didn't think it would take this long," Aldridge said. "I thought that after what we did last year, having 54 wins and after the big change that's happened ... here, I just felt like it wouldn't be this hard to get it done. But it is. I can't say that I'm happy about it."

Aldridge refused to say if he was optimistic a deal would get done before the deadline, but he did offer one dose of optimism for Blazers fans.

"The contract (situation) is not going to affect my training or my games or anything like that," he said. "I can tell you all and all the fans that I'm about playing basketball, I'm about winning. So I'm going to play hard and I'm always going to do what I do. I'm going to be the same guy."