Nets interim coach Kiki Vandeweghe is aware that his name has never been mentioned as the future general manager of the club.

"I was brought in initially to help rebuild the team," Vandeweghe said. "We had some success doing that in Denver and Dallas. I'm proud of the things we've got going.

"The future of this team is very bright," he added. "We've got young players who have gotten significantly better this year. Which is important. You're not always able to do that. Again all the cap space, we have tons of it. We have extra draft picks. We have a great draft pick this year. It should be an enticing place for free agents.

"It should be rebuilt very quickly."

Rod Thorn is likely to return, but nothing is certain.

"Nothing has changed," Thorn said. "But with all this being written, if it is true I guess they lost my phone number because I haven't heard it."