The mother of Suns forward Amar'e Stoudemire was arrested on Saturday in Arizona for failing to have an ignition interlock device on her vehicle.

The Arizona Republic first reported the story.

Carrie Mae Stoudemire was stopped in the afternoon after her Lincoln Navigator was straddling two lanes and going 60 mph, according to a police report in Scottsdale.

Carrie Stoudemire's driver's license says she must have the ignition interlock device on all her vehicles until Oct. 30.

She told officers that she was headed to an alcohol class.

When Carrie Stoudemire refused to participate in a field sobriety test, the officer handcuffed her and put her in the back seat of his patrol car.

Amar'e Stoudemire then arrived at the scene with another man, according to the Republic, at which point Carrie Stoudemire began to yell "Amar'e!" and asked for a lawyer.

The All-Star's mother has been in and out of jail throughout his life for charges ranging from drunken driving to drug possession to prostitution.