Grant Hill, who took some verbal abuse in the new ESPN documentary "The Fab Five", got some things off his chest in an essay posted by the New York Times.  In the documentary, Jalen Rose, the show's producer, stated that Duke recruited only black players he considered to be "Uncle Toms". Here are some of the highlights of Hill's reflections on Rose's comments:

"I am a fan, friend and longtime competitor of the Fab Five...It was a sad and somewhat pathetic turn of events, therefore, to see friends narrating this interesting documentary about their moment in time and calling me a bitch and worse, calling all black players at Duke “Uncle Toms” and, to some degree, disparaging my parents for their education, work ethic and commitment to each other and to me."

"My teammates at Duke — all of them, black and white — were a band of brothers who came together to play at the highest level for the best coach in basketball. I know most of the black players who preceded and followed me at Duke. They all contribute to our tradition of excellence on the court."

"To hint that those who grew up in a household with a mother and father are somehow less black than those who did not is beyond ridiculous."

"I am proud of my family. I am proud of my Duke championships and all my Duke teammates. And, I am proud I never lost a game against the Fab Five."