So apparently Michael Jordan is coming back, and he is prepared.  Knowing that there are many that consider him crazy for doing such a thing, a thing like losing with the Washington Wizards, Michael was prepared.  "I know there are a lot of naysayers out there,'' Jordan told a three-man media audience that included reporters from the Associated Press and "But winning isn't always about championships. Shoot, I'd love to win a championship. But what is wrong with helping kids find themselves, teaching them the right way? Why can't I show them the ropes so they don't go down the wrong path?"

Jordan went on to talk about some key games in the Wizards schedule, including the season opener at New York and his first game back in Chicago, adding that ''They had their chance'', referring to the Bulls management at keeping him.

Jordan's reasons for the comeback?  "I'm doing it for the love of the game. Nothing else. You've got to be supportive of that, don't you? What's so wrong with that?''