Johnny Ludden of the San Antonio Express News writes that, after some initial improvement, David Robinson?s recovery from a back injury has plateaued.  He will probably miss Wednesday?s game in Seattle and some in the organization believe he may miss the playoffs entirely.

Robinson aggravated an old back injury on April 20th.  After trying to play in Game 1, Robinson received a therapeutic injection into his back which reduced the pain.  He responded well to the injection and to aqua therapy in the days following.  He even did some running.  However, since Sunday, Robinson?s condition hasn?t improved any more.  Robinson is still confident he can play soon, but not everyone is so sure he can recover quickly enough.  And, with Shaquille O?Neal awaiting him in the next round, Robinson needs to be well-recovered to compete.

In the Seattle series, Robinson?s absence is offset by the absence of Sonic Rashard Lewis who hurt his shoulder and is expected to miss up to three weeks.  Spur Danny Ferry may miss time as well after spraining his wrist.