The three-headed monster slowly is coming together: Grant Hill, Tracy McGrady and Mike Miller spent some time during camp working together. They are still very much in a feeling-out process. Hill and McGrady have tried to play off each other during scrimmages. Miller is often on the second team against that duo, but when he switches over there has been a constant ringing in his ear. "Shoot!" the players keep yelling whenever Miller, a reluctant shooter, passes up an open shot.

Armstrong vs. Vaughn a treat to watch: Darrell Armstrong may have found a player as scrappy as he is. Jacque Vaughn's toughness, intensity and energy have rivaled Armstrong's, which gives the Magic quite a pesky combination at point guard. It's too early to tell whether Vaughn has developed into the kind of shooter who won't be a liability on the floor, but the early results are good. Vaughn, however, has earned Armstrong's respect. "When we push each other like this, it makes the games easy," Armstrong said.

Bigs are a long way away: Horace Grant has not participated because he is recovering from surgery on his left knee. Shawn Kemp is still vast. Olumide Oyedeji and Andrew DeClercq are playing well, but you still want to see them tested. Pat Garrity has performed the best of the power-forward/center types, and he's really a small forward. But there is hope.

They are healthy so far: Watching the Magic right now is weird. You wonder whether every awkward move or rough landing is something major, but so far, they are healthy. Check back next week.