The Orlando Magic are resigned to the fact that Grant Hill -- against their cautious wishes -- will attempt to come back and play sometime before the 2003-2004 season ends.

The Magic want Hill -- who has had four surgeries on his left ankle in three years -- to continue his rehabilitation and return the following season.

A showdown between the perennially injured star and the club could be in the offing late in the upcoming season.

Hill had his last surgery on March 16, and his rehab has been confined to non-weight-bearing exercise.

Asked if Hill might be ready to play by, say, next March, Magic Coach Doc Rivers said on Monday during a media luncheon, "He could be . . . I have no idea, to be honest. He's working his butt off. I think Grant, in Grant's mind . . . I think he's thinking, 'I'm not finished this season.' "

Magic General Manager John Gabriel reiterated the franchise's desire for Hill to sit out the season as a precaution after three false starts but admitted, "I think Grant will want to try to play."

The NBA also believed that Hill could play at some point next season, for it turned down the Magic's request this summer to secure a $4.9-million injury exception on Hill's behalf.

Neither Hill nor his agent Lon Babby returned phone calls on Monday.

One scenario kicked around by the Magic, according to league sources, is that Hill would be put through extensive workouts in game-type situations with the team before he'd ever be activated. Gabriel would only say, "Grant's rehabilitation will be supervised."