Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert does not want to be left out in the cold if Pistons coach Larry Brown decides not to take the job as Cavaliers President. So, he reportedly wants an answer sooner rather than later.

"League sources have indicated that Gilbert has informed Pistons coach Larry Brown (or his representatives) that he needs an answer by Monday on whether he'll accept the job as the Cavaliers president of basketball operations."

It is unusual for teams to talk with coaches still in the playoffs but Tom Wilson, the president of Palace Sports & Entertainment, gave the Cavaliers permission to speak with Brown.

A sign that Brown could be joining the Cavaliers after the playoffs is that he apparently approved of the Cavaliers upcoming hiring of Indiana Pacers assist Mike Brown as the new head coach.

It is also possible that Brown still wants to coach the Pistons next year but needs to see about his health first before he makes that decision.

"My goal is to coach. As recently as last week, I told (Pistons president Joe Dumars) I had an appointment to get checked as soon as the season was over, and I would be able to let him know as soon as possible."

However, Brown's last coaching job will be in Detroit.

"This is my last coaching job," Larry Brown said. "The only place I'm going to coach next season - or ever - is Detroit."