The Orlando Magic might not be winning big in the NBA, but they are behind a new league rules change.

The NBA told The Sentinel on Monday that it is changing the way teams submit the list of active/inactive players -- thanks to an issue brought up Friday night in New York by the Magic.

The league did not take any punitive action against the Knicks after F Jackie Butler played against Orlando, even though Butler's name was on the inactive list that the Knicks handed the Magic before the game.

After Magic Coach Brian Hill protested in the first quarter to game officials, the Knicks issued a "corrected" version of the inactive/active list in the second quarter. Butler's name then appeared on the active list.

The NBA agreed it was a "clerical" error by the Knicks, league spokesman Tim Frank said Monday.

But now, game referees will supervise the active/inactive lists before the game, said Frank.

"Officials will be asked to verify the accuracy prior to the game," Frank said.

If the situation arises again, Frank said, officials will "disqualify the player immediately. They didn't have that same power Friday night."