Darius Miles and Zach Randolph have both been suspended by the Blazers and now they both have gone public with their wish to be traded out of Portland.

"It's got a lot to do with the front office," Randolph said. "A lot to do with (general manager) John Nash, (team president) Steve Patterson, you know, they put this team together."

"(Management) thought (Maurice) Cheeks wasn't a hard coach, or didn't demand nothing, so I guess that's what the people in the front office told (McMillan)," Randolph said. "So he came in with the attitude where, I don't know, he thought he's got to be hard. Like Sarge. So it's been tough, because I ain't never had . . . I always had coach Cheeks, who is more of a players coach, and I was accustomed to his actions and ways. Now it's just a lot different."

McMillan, meanwhile, was unfazed by Miles' and Randolph's statements.

"I think they have to be honest, honest with themselves, and honest with the organization about how they feel," McMillan said. "To feel that way and keep it inside doesn't help anyone. I think they have to be honest about how they feel, their role, the direction of the club, so that we can get a feel for how we can help them."