Orlando leaders needled Magic basketball executives Monday to reveal the team's private cash pledge to build a new arena and used their strongest language yet to press them to keep their home court downtown and not move it to the county's tourism corridor.

"I smell a rat here," City Commissioner Patty Sheehan said. "It's really wrong to play the city against the county. Are they the Orlando Magic or are they the Orange County Cheap Trick?"

The Magic presented their proposal for a new $385 million arena to Orlando commissioners as part of formal review of all three public projects, which includes a new downtown performing-arts center and an upgraded Florida Citrus Bowl. They did not reveal how much they will contribute, saying only the amount will be "significant."

City and Orange County leaders are trying to cobble together tourist-tax revenues, property taxes and other resources to pay for all three projects at once. The Magic say they will reveal their contribution when negotiations are further along.