Despite the lure of running his beloved, hometown Knicks, Warrior GM Chris Mullin recently told confidants he's leery of working for the moribund franchise, feeling it could be too big a task to turn around.

The Post reported exclusively during Thanksgiving week a Knicks intermediary casually gauged his interest in the Knick GM job if it became available this offseason while he attended Nov. 20's Warrior-Knick game.

With the sexual-harassment suit officially settled yesterday, Thomas could be as vulnerable as ever come spring if the Knicks are out of the playoff hunt and franchise center Eddy Curry continues his regression.

The Post reported that, in a postgame meeting Saturday night, owner James Dolan told Thomas his job is not in jeopardy.

During his five-day visit to New York that week, Mullin told multiple confidants about the informal conversation with a Knick intermediary.

According to two sources who spoke to Mullin, he likes his image in New York the way it is and would be afraid an unsuccessful run as GM would "destroy" it.