Cavaliers star LeBron James underwent treatment on his right elbow Wednesday.

The treatment included icing and receiving electronic stimulation therapy, according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

James is expected to have further testing on Thursday and could be held out of any contact as a precaution.

X-rays and an MRI taken on Monday showed no obvious structural damage, but he could have another MRI later this week.

"I don't know, honestly, what's going on with it," James said after Cleveland eliminated Chicago on Tuesday night. "I've done tests to try and figure this thing out, but it almost feels like you hit your funny bone and it kind of numbs up for a little bit.

"It bothers me more because I don't actually know what it is. We'll figure it out. I've never had a problem with my elbow before."

The Cavaliers will host the Celtics in Game 1 of their semifinal series on Saturday.