Magic coach Stan Van Gundy took exception to Phil Jackson's recent comments about Pat Riley returning to coach the Heat.

Riley replaced Van Gundy as Miami's coach in 2006 and led the team to an NBA title.

Van Gundy called Jackson's comments "inappropriate" and "ignorant" when he hinted that Riley should fire coach Erik Spoelstra and replace him on the bench.

"Phil has no idea what the Van Gundy situation was because, even though he coaches in our league, he certainly had no insight or knowledge of that," Van Gundy said.

"So an analogy he'd make to my situation would be totally useless because he doesn't have any clue what the situation was in that case."

Van Gundy resigned in December 2005 after the Heat went 11-10 through the early stretch of their season, he cited personal reasons for the decision.

"To second-guess another coach and comment on a situation he knows nothing about -- it's inappropriate. And it's also ignorant," Van Gundy said. "I don't mean that commenting on Phil's intelligence. He's obviously a very smart guy. I mean it as ignorant [in that] he doesn't know what that situation was and he doesn't know what the situation is now.

"I don't think, unless their relationship has changed drastically, that [Jackson] and Pat talk on a regular basis. So I doubt he would have any information whatsoever on what's going on in Miami."