David Stern has responded to critical comments made this week by Stan Van Gundy.

Stern said the comments made him sad and he intends to speak with the team's management about getting Van Gundy's comments under control.

"I’m going to engage in a private discussions at this point with his franchise," Stern said. "I actually am not going to talk to Stan Van Gundy. I’m going to talk to the ownership of the team."

Stern will not issue a fine to Van Gundy.

"Because he tried to make it so personal, I’m not going to do anything about it this time," Stern said.

Van Gundy tried to defend the treatment Dwight Howard receives from referees and the system put in place by the league office.

This is the system David Stern and his minions like," Van Gundy said. "So that's the system you have … I certainly can't have an opinion because David Stern, like a lot of leaders we've seen in this world lately, don't really tolerate other people's opinion or free speech or anything. So I'm not really allowed to have an opinion."

Stern expects Van Gundy to not make those types of remarks again.

"I would venture a guess that we’re not going to be hearing from him for the rest of the season," Stern said. "I think when he stops and reads what he said, realizes what he did, he will say no more. ... I have a feeling some modicum of self-restraint will cause Stan, and the team for which he works, to rein in his aberrant behavior."