The Cavaliers took special precautions to avoid Boston's pollen, which is at it's height right now, prior to the team's Game Five against the Celtics on Wednesday night, according to The Akron Beacon Journal.

"I'm not going outside at all. Our hotel is near the Boston Common so I'm just going from the hotel to the bus," Wally Szczerbiak said. "You want to avoid taking medication if you can because it can make you drowsy, so I'm just trying to avoid the pollen."

Szczerbiak, Delonte West and Ben Wallace have all struggled with allergy problems during the postseason.

Wallace stayed in the locker room during the pregame introductions, which included fireworks and thus smoke, which the rebounder claims led to an allergy attack during Game Two in Boston.

"It's always bad in the spring here," said West, who played three years with the Celtics. "It's something you deal with. You can't let it affect your game."