Isaiah Thomas opted not to have surgery on his hip this offseason and he's optimistic he'll be ready for the start of training camp.

"The hip is great," Thomas told the Herald on Saturday during his annual basketball clinic at BU, where he was hosting more than 400 campers. "It’s going well. Rehabbing it, but it’s going well. It’s a real slow rehab process, but it’s getting better and that’s what it’s all about."

Thomas received several opinions on how he should move forward.

"The decision was to sit and rest, and get my legs stronger, get my muscle back working again," Thomas said. "We're just going to try to get to 100 percent as quick as possible.

"I’ve been resting. That was the gameplan when my season was over. To rest and stay off it as much as possible to see how it reacts. It’s reacted well, it’s just going to take some time."

Thomas said he's progressing.

"That’s the plan, yeah," he said. "I should be ready by camp, but I’m getting back in the gym shooting and being able to work out in the weight room and get my cardio back, because I’ve been down for two and a half months since the season ended. It’s getting there though. This week has been great progress for me."