According to Tim Povtak of the Orlando Sentinel, Detroit has officially got Vancouver where they want them: Detroit will send a #1 to Orlando as payment to delay the exercise of Orlando's option on Phoenix's pick.  Vancouver had until 3 am June 2nd to transfer a top-18 pick to Detroit.  Orlando has the right to take New York's pick (#18) from Phoenix.  If they exercised that option, the pick would go automatically to Houston who might (with proper coaxing) have sent it to Vancouver who could have used it to pay Detroit.  Now that the deadline is passed, Vancouver must pay their own #1 next year unless it is top-6.  Povtak reports that Orlando will still probably exercise the option and send the pick to Houston in return for "future considerations."

The pick Orlando got from Detroit is the pick Detroit got from Toronto.  Detroit has until 2004 to send on the pick, whose conditions change yearly.