For the first time in NBA history, two High Schoolers will take the court for their debuts, although unofficial, as teammates.  While it has the Chicago Bulls excited, seeing how their newly acquired Twin Towers match up against the likes of Memphis' Stromile Swift and Shane Battier, or the Clippers' Darius Miles, Quentin Richardson and Keyon Dooling will guage just how advanced the two are in their development.  "I see something special in both of them and I'm real anxious to see them go against other players," said assistant coach Phil Johnson, who will run the Bulls' summer squad. "Both of them are the kind of guys, one day they blow you away with their talent, the next day they look like an 18-year-old high school kid. I think that's how it's going to be."  But the coaching staff and fans are not the only ones excited to see how these players perform, judging by Rookie Eddy Curry's words.  "I want to see how we stack up against these guys," said Curry. "There are going to be some real tough rookies, maybe some veterans once in a while. We're anxious to play and see how we stack up."  So are we Eddy... so are we.