Again, the Jazz were poised to win. Again, they lost their poise.

Indiana beat Utah 100-97 on Saturday night at the Delta Center, marking yet another miscue-laden collapse for a 6-11 Jazz team that has now lost two straight and five of its last seven games.

"I don't think it's time to panic. There's still a lot of basketball left to play in the season," Jazz star Karl Malone said. "But, obviously, you don't want to be playing like this."


The Jazz committed 17 turnovers Saturday, the last of which was a John Stockton pass fumbled by Malone and stolen by rookie guard Jamaal Tinsley with 48.8 seconds remaining and the game tied at 97.

Twenty-one seconds later, Pacers youngster Jermain O'Neal put Indiana up 99-97 with a short jump-hook. Utah, which led throughout much of the fourth quarter, still stood a chance at that point. But Stockton was blocked by Tinsley while trying to take a 6-foot leaner with 12.2 seconds to go, and the Pacers got control of the loose ball.