Randy Wittman has been an NBA head coach and would like to be one again. Jerry Sichting is as qualified as many who will be considered for the growing list of vacancies around the league.

For both Timberwolves assistant coaches, however, the best advice might be the oldest advice: Be careful what you wish for.

"The best job in the league might be assistant coach," said Flip Saunders, Wittman's and Sichting's boss with the Wolves. "Realistically, people want to be a head coach because the money has gotten so out of whack. In a way, you almost say, 'Why not?'

"But assistant coaches make good money. They don't have the pressure of talking to the media every day, the accountability. They get to be around it, in the team setting, and some people like that and thrive on that."

Saunders' view carries more weight since three men in his position -- there are just 29 of them, remember -- willingly walked away from their coveted jobs this month. The spotlight, the power and, factoring in various buyouts, at least a good chunk of the money no longer were worth it.