While concerned about some political delays, NBA Commissioner David Stern is still optimistic that he will be able to move the Nets to Newark.

"I get a sense that it makes too much sense for the Nets, for Newark, for the state, for something not to be worked out," Stern said. "Unfortunately, I have a lot of experience in these matters, more than I'd like to have. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. But I'm hopeful that all the signs are here that it's going to work out."

"I think that it's in agreement that a new building is necessary. But I think that this year we've seen 18,000-plus people here on Saturday and there are going to be more than that here tonight. I think that the attendance during the regular season was much ballyhooed as not being a sellout, and I think that was reflecting the restoration of the value of the ticket. I think if I was a fan I'd get on line right away for next year's tickets before they're all gone."