The Sixers are holding a 3-day training camp next week to take a look at some free agents. They've invited some pro players who are not under contract or have their rights held by any team in the league. Among the notables invited are Johnny Taylor, a former first-round pick of Orlando; Tony Rutland, a high school teammate of Allen Iverson; Tang Hamilton, who began this season as a starting forward with Miami; and Nate Johnson, from Camden High and Louisville.

The big name on the camp roster is Ousmane Cisse.

Phil Jasner of the Daily News reports that the Sixers wanted a look at a healthy Cisse to see what he can do. "We thought he was one of the top high school players last season, but he suffered a knee injury," said Tony DiLeo, the Sixers' director of player personnel. "When he worked out for teams in our league, he was probably about 60 to 70 percent, and he dropped [to No. 47, taken by Denver in the second round]. We thought that, healthy, he could have been a first-round pick."

Donald Jackson, Cisse's agent and guardian said, "He's trying to turn a negative into a positive. I believe when he goes on the floor this time, they'll see a bigger, stronger version of what they saw the first time."